Atrs as means of Influence
and Reflection
available from 01/06 to 01/09
curator: Sebastián Diaz
Arts have been a part of our journey ever since cavemen etched charcoal portraits of mammooths and reindeer in cave walls. All art has the purpose of telling a story, whether fictional or based on real account. But art does more than just telling a story. Art is a force that can influence and reshape the world, a manifesto which provides inspiration for the brave and hope for the desperate, a means of influence and reflection.
The following exhibit is a collection of artistic pieces from the time period between 1880 and 2000. All of them are jewels from their respective periods, and they all prove the ability of art to influence, inspire, and reshape society. Even 100 years after they were first created, their impact and legacy is still evident, both at their respective time period and at a wider historical scope.